Items for Your Home Gym That Can Also Be Used as Homestyle Exercise Equipment

There are several benefits to working out at home, like not having to commute, having access to a variety of online routines, and having a couch to collapse onto after a hard workout. Of course, there are some significant disadvantages, particularly when using a temporary home gym. specifically, being unable to use more compact gym equipment that could elevate your workout. However, not all hope is gone. Trainers advise using these common objects as quick substitutes for exercise equipment the next time you’re strapped on cash.

Bottles in Bags as Dumbbells
If you have a few bags of dry rice or beans on hand, they work well as a substitute for lighter dumbbells. According to famous fitness expert Phil Catudal, full water bottles are a different choice. Try spending three seconds on each part of the exercise instead of one second up and one second down, which is consistent with typical tempo reps. This will make each rep considerably slower and more focused. By increasing the impact of each movement, this compensates for the decreased weight. Cans can also be used in instead of dumbbells, but doing so occasionally makes them feel hefty or awkward.

Food products in bulk bags for bench press
“Use a huge, heavy bag of pet food or grains and finish your reps if you’re seeking to do barbell curls, a bench press, overhead extensions, or any other barbell exercise, including deadlifts and squats,” advises Catudal. “Make sure to spread the weight as evenly as possible. If it’s obstinately lopsided, switch sides after each rep.”

Paper plates are gliders.
Flat plastic discs known as fitness gliders are frequently used to aid with core activation during floor exercises. “For my own leg and ab exercises, I like to use gliders on the floor. Paper or plastic plates are excellent household substitutes if you don’t have access to them, advises Selter.

Sit-Squats or a Pistol: Your Couch
During any kind of exercise, your couch can be a wonderful asset. The couch is one of Catudal’s favorite places to perform pistol (single leg) squats or sit-squats. Catudal advises doing sit-squats and pistol squats (single leg) onto and off of your couch if you feel like your legs need some exercise. As well as providing padding in case you fall, touching the cushion each time forces you to squat low enough to complete the repetition. You can perform tricep dips, incline/decline pushups, and incline/decline running planks on your couch.

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